A Prosperous, Innovative and Net Zero UK
Building a Hydrogen Society will enable the UK to cut our carbon emissions, create new economic opportunities across the UK and stay at the forefront of low-carbon innovation.
A Hydrogen Society is one in which hydrogen and low-carbon electricity help all of us with our everyday energy needs. A Hydrogen Society is one in which hydrogen plays a vital part in keeping our buildings and homes warm, greening public transport and providing low-carbon electricity when we need it.
Net zero emissions will require wide use of hydrogen to replace fossil fuels, ranging from buses to container ships, to reduce emissions from industry, and to replace natural gas in heating our homes, offices and factories.
The switch to hydrogen will also sustain tens of thousands of jobs in the UK’s oil and gas, and manufacturing sectors, while creating jobs in new sectors, such as hydrogen aviation, and delivering prosperity across the UK.
Industry is already making real progress, investing in exciting projects which will help unlock hydrogen’s potential in the UK.
But barriers to hydrogen remain. So, we want to work with the public, local councils and government to realise hydrogen’s full potential, and build a Hydrogen Society.
Find out how you can help support our vision by visiting Making a Hydrogen Society Happen.
Hydrogen has a key role to play in ensuring that the UK meets its net zero target. By 2050, key bodies such as the CCC and National Grid estimate that we will need to produce enough hydrogen to meet 200-300 TWh of energy demand. This is a similar energy demand serviced by the entire power sector today. This presents a big challenge but also a big opportunity. By coming together as a society to help deliver hydrogen solutions, we can decarbonise our energy system, tackle climate change and create new jobs and industries. We have less than 30 years until 2050, so we need to start now!